


  1. She has big eyes and a small nose.
  2. He has a mustache and a beard.
  3. Her face is oval-shaped.
  4. He has a round face and a big smile.
  5. She has dimples when she smiles.
  6. He has bushy eyebrows.


  1. She has long, straight hair.
  2. He has curly hair.
  3. Her hair is wavy and short.
  4. He is bald.
  5. She has bangs.


  1. He is tall and thin.
  2. She is short and chubby.
  3. He has a muscular build.
  4. She has a small waist and big hips.
  5. He has large hands and feet.
  6. She has long fingers.


  1. She is wearing a red shirt and blue jeans.
  2. He has on a black suit and tie.
  3. She is wearing a yellow dress and sandals.
  4. He is wearing a green hat and sneakers.
  5. She has a purple scarf around her neck.


  1. He wears glasses.
  2. She has a tattoo on her arm.
  3. His teeth are crooked.
  4. She has a birthmark on her face.
  5. He has a scar on his forehead.
  6. She has braces on her teeth.


  1. He is kind and friendly.
  2. She is outgoing and talkative.
  3. He is shy and quiet.
  4. She is brave and adventurous.
  5. He is honest and trustworthy.
  6. She is happy and optimistic.
  7. He is pessimistic and grumpy.
  8. She is impatient and easily annoyed.
  9. He is hardworking and dedicated.
  10. She is creative and imaginative.


  1. He likes to play basketball.
  2. She enjoys reading books.
  3. He loves to sing and dance.
  4. She likes to draw and paint.
  5. He enjoys playing video games.
  6. She loves to cook and bake.
  7. He likes to ride his bicycle.
  8. She enjoys playing with her dog.
  9. He loves to watch movies.
  10. She likes to listen to music.
  11. He enjoys playing with his toys.
  12. She likes to collect shells at the beach.




上一篇 2023年07月15日 17:53
下一篇 2023年07月15日 17:54


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